Monday, June 20, 2011

Day at the Farm

Think you might enjoy raising Tropical Fish for a living?  Join Rick and Tamela on their 40-year-old farm in South Florida during the next 12 months, beginning in August and see how they do it.  In addition to their farm, they will take you to other farms in Florida and even to some stores to see how it all happens behind the scene.

Make sure you come by the booth in Washington, D.C. at the American Cichlid Association show, July 2011.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Tropical Fish Hobbyists - Behind the Business

Tropical Fish Hobbyist wanted to show their readers what happens behind the business at Xtreme.  What they got was a little of Xtreme and a little of Florida Exotic Fish Farm.  To understand what makes Xtreme work, you have to see how it was deveoped.

Xtreme was not developed as a retail product.  Xtreme is the result of 30 plus years of nutritional development aimed at producing great fish that would stand out in retail stores all over the country.  It was only after years and years of requests from stores owners that any effort was made to make the formula "people friendly."

In a month or two, we'll begin and on-line series of monthly movies, "Day at the Farm" and we'll show folks the raw original version of the Xtreme formula  and how it was made. You'll see why it worked on the farm and how we had to change it to work in the home aquarium.

We hope you enjoy the article, we are proud to have been asked by TFH since we have been reading this magazine since we were kids in the 50's.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

ACA 2011 Convention - Washington, DC - July 21-24

Join Rick and Tamela Biro and Chris Biggs at the 2011 ACA Show.  FEFS will display fish that were raised from fry to fly on Xtreme and you can play, "stump the wizard" with Rick or Chris.  Lots of fun and it will be a time to meet old friends and make new ones.  Hope to see you there....stop by the booth...PLEASE.

Great Chicago Cichlid Association

The Greater Chicago Cichlid Association show was a success and we are glad that Chris Biggs was able to show off what we have to offer.

Each member received an Xtreme bag with a sample of our most popular formula, Cichlid PeeWee.  The presentations were interesting and the auctions successful. 

Thanks for the invite.  Hope to see you all again...soon.

Friday, May 13, 2011

New - Monster Koi and Big Fella Goldfish & Koi Formulas

After a bunch of testing in Koi ponds and Goldfish tanks all over the country, and this was a rather humbling you know how much food a Koi Pond can go's boggling?  Anyhow...after all this testing we are happy to announce that our Monster and Big Fella formulations for Koi and Goldfish are a tremendous success.

These hungry critters go after this chow just like we intended, not floating on the surface, but as it slowly sinks.  That means, no more gulping air and no more fouled water.  These fish eat these two pellets and the waste is far less than anything we tested it against.  Outdoor pools stayed fresher and you could actually see the fish underwater. Indoor tanks tested just a good.

So if you want to give it a try, let us know and we will direct you to the few stores that have already stocked up Summer, and for a short time only, we'll even ship it to you direct of there are no stores close by.  Once we get it to all our dealers, you can pick it up there and we will not be shipping direct.

If your store carries other Xtreme products, ask them to order these two new professional formulas so you can feed your Koi and Goldfish the very best food available.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How to Assemble your Xtreme POS

It's not as easy as it looks...the new Xtreme Point of Sale display needs some 'splainin' and this short video should do it.  Order you display today and we'll get it in the store ASAP.

Greater Chicago Cichlid Association

If you're in the area, you should definitely try and attend the Greater Chicago Cichlid Association convention, May 20-22 at the Holiday Inn Countryside, in Countryside, IL.  Chris Biggs will be attending and representing Xtreme Aquatic Foods and samples of Xtreme will be a part of the "goodie bag" that is distributed to registered attendees.

Featured speakers include, Spencer Jack, Ken Davis, Steve Lewandowski  and Pam Chin.  Register at: